Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Raggedy Days and Silky, Smooth Hours.

Today, we talk about another boy.
He's been around for longer than we'd both like to admit, and he will be around for many years to come.
He may be the only person I have ever even coming close to using the L-word with, but don't tell him that. We keep our emotions a secret.

This boy, we'll call him Gab.

Gab loves to tell the story of our first encounter. He makes himself out to be the hero, and makes me out to be the damsel in distress. The way he tells the story is precious, but you'll have to live with my boring summary: I was a bit confused about a piece of machinery (imagine that), and he stepped in to help (or, in his terms, "rescue").

Gab and I had a very quick progression from being strangers to being inseparable, and each passing moment became more than just a tick on a clock; our time together was perfect.
We played a bit of a tennis game when we were in like, and we've been on different pages about our relationship ever since.
During that epiphenal moment when I finally decided he was worthy of my desires, he was looking for an unconventional situation (much like I chased down with Dom). And while he was dreaming of white picket fences, I was off chasing independence.

I got my heart broken.

Gab was the first boy to ever really understand what was going on inside of my head. He read me like a familiar book, and I read him like a brand new title that was hot off the press. He always kept me guessing.

The two of us never had a definite beginning, and I cross my heart we will never have a definite end, and I say with confidence that he will be the person whose face pops into my head on my wedding day (if I ever actually calm down enough to do that whole wedding business).
He and I are something that is truly special, despite our embarrassments and shortcomings.

He drives me absolutely insane sometimes, but at the end of the day I can't help smiling when I hear his name.

But I will say right now, just like I said about Dom: I am not in love with this boy.
However, he is the hook that temps me while I swim through the sea.


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